onsdag 30. januar 2013

MIT App Inventor

These lessons have been developed for educators to use in classrooms or workshops. They differ from the traditional tutorials but some content is very similar in both. For example, HelloPurr is the introductory lesson for both the tutorials and the curriculum, and it is similar to Part One of the Magic 8 Ball lesson. However, Magic 8 Ball provides a nice self-contained workshop for students to develop a fun, individualized, game app in a short amount of time.

In general, the lessons here in the Curriculum section of the educator's site provide a connected progression for students learning App Inventor, and are designed to be used in classrooms and workshops. Feel free to explore all of these and choose the pieces that work best for your setting.

Curriculum | MIT App Inventor

søndag 13. januar 2013

Introducing Scalar

Introducing Scalar. Born-digital, open source, media-rich scholarly publishing that’s as easy as blogging.

Scalar is a free, open source authoring and publishing platform that’s designed to make it easy for authors to write long-form, born-digital scholarship online. Scalar enables users to assemble media from multiple sources and juxtapose them with their own writing in a variety of ways, with minimal technical expertise required.

More fundamentally, Scalar is a semantic web authoring tool that brings a considered balance between standardization and structural flexibility to all kinds of material. It includes a built-in reading interface as well as an API that enables Scalar content to be used to drive custom-designed applications. If you’re dealing with small to moderate amounts of structured content and need a lightweight platform that encourages improvisation with your data model, Scalar may be the right solution for you.

The Alliance for Networking Visual Culture

onsdag 9. januar 2013

Prosjektpresentasjon - Utvikling av medierike ebøker

Basert på en presentasjon gitt under oppstartsmøte ved Mediesenteret HiB, den 8. januar 2012. Presentasjonen nedenfor gir et grovt riss over feltet og et kort sammendrag av hva vi skal levere i prosjektet. Her vil det helt sikker komme noen endringer, siden feltet utvikler seg raskt.

Prosjektet vil drive aktiv formidling av såvel tanker og ideer, som konkrete erfaringer. I den forbindelse diskuterte vi allerede på oppstartsmøtet et mulig seminar, høsten 2013. Litteraturhuset i Bergen vil kunne være et mulig sted å arrangere dette.