torsdag 27. desember 2012

Hvordan engasjere

– Vi skal ikke tilby hoppende kaniner over skjermen. Det har vi vært bevisste på hele veien. Vi tilbyr en rekke digitale læringsressurser, men disse er skrellet for «tjohei», sa Terje Dahl, seniorutvikler i Fagbokforlaget.

– Vi er veldig glade for folk som Marius Mathisen, som viser verdien av nettbrett i undervisningen. Vi har klokkertro på at både nettbrett, læringsspill og digitale tjenester rundt innhold vil revolusjonere undervisningen. Det er synd å se at ikke alle deler vår begeistring, sier han.

Marius Mathisen sier det egentlig burde vært andre enn ham som utviklet læringsspill og delte ut gratis Ipad-er.  I et blogginnlegg kommenterer han uttalelsene fra de skeptiske forlagsrepresentantene.

– Jeg måtte faktisk lese deres uttalelser flere ganger for å forsikre meg om at jeg leste riktig. At dette er mennesker som distribuerer opplæringsmateriell til våre skoler er egentlig for meg ganske skremmende og forklarer hvorfor vi i Norge henger så langt etter med interaktiv utdannelse som vi gjør, skriver han.


onsdag 26. desember 2012

'Snow Fall' Isn't the Future of Journalism

The New York Times' miraculous mega-multi-media feature "Snow Fall" is a triumph of reporting, design, and creativity. It was immediately hailed by much of the Internet as the "future of journalism." It's not.

As Andrew Kueneman, deputy director of digital design at the Times, told the Atlantic Wire's Rebecca Greenfield, "This story was not produced in our normal CMS ... We don't have the luxury of doing this type of design typically on the web. Now we just have more options and more tools."

It's my suspicion that "Snow Fall" won't change the architecture of journalism any more than movies changed the architecture of novels. Some stories yield themselves to dynamic visuals, and most don't, and readers are okay with that. In fact, according to Pew Research, young mobile readers prefer a "print-like experience" over tech features like audio, video, and complex graphics. The emergence of mobile devices reinforces the power and the ease of old, boring, columns of text. For all the ways the Internet is molding our brains, we seem to like reading stories just like our grandparents did.

Atlantic Mobile

fredag 21. desember 2012


Embracing new digital educational media and resources is the only sustainable way for the European textbook market to increase access, affordability and quality of learning for all European citizens. Europe needs re-skilling and up-skilling, and textbook distributors must adapt to a more global and ever-evolving market.

The eTernity project is an initiative of the pre-standardisation group CEN Workshop on Learning Technologies (CEN WS-LT), actors in the textbook market, and stakeholders from education.

tirsdag 18. desember 2012


Det som tidligere var Booki har nå blitt til Booktype

Booktype makes it easier for people and organisations to collate, organise, edit and publish books. Delivering frictionlessly to print, Amazon,, iBooks and almost any ereader, Booktype facilitates collaborative production processes. No more lost manuscripts, overwritten Word files, awkward wikis or cumbersome CMSes.